Sunday, September 2, 2007

The April Fool

My newest Transformer greeting card... I've had this idea for a while, but I finally had time to get it on board. Literally. I inverted the color so you can see it like a sketch. I'm starting to color it tonight so hopefully it will be done soon. :)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Old Skool Daze

So while digging thru my sketchbooks, I found a lot of my old stuff for a comic I used to write for LIU Southamptons college newspaper. That was back in 1999, crazy huh? So I thought it would be fun to re-design my old characters and see how they would like now that my style has changed so much. Here's a before and after. The top is an old comic, all 3 character are in the first frame of the first comic, then the second image is the beginnings of there re-design I did at the beach today as well.

First Post

I finally signed up for blogger, took me long enough huh? I hope that between my two jobs having a blog will force me to keep drawing even if only on my lunch break. My first post is one of my favorite illustrations I did about a year ago. All done in Caran D'ache crayon. Enjoy..